Denton Sunnyside Cemetery

Denton, Nebraska


This website was created to provide useful information concerning the cemetery and those buried here. We have strived to garner as much information as we can on every interment.

Search Graves: This feature allows you to search through an alphabetical listing of names. Here you can find birth and death dates, family information, marriage dates, obituaries, photos and burial location, if available.

Cemetery History: On this page you can read how the cemetery came to exist in 1893, and learn some early history of the Denton community.

Veterans List: A tribute page listing the wars and the soldiers that served as well as a list of other active duty service members.

Note: We are grateful that the Denton Community Historical Society assists with the cleaning of the older, weathered headstones. This is a big job and is an ongoing process.

We hope you enjoy the website and find it useful.

Thank you for visiting!

If you're interested in learning more about Denton's history, visit the Denton Community Historical Society website. There you can find census records, photos, directories & more. To visit their site, please CLICK HERE.

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Visit the Lincoln - Lancaster County Genealogy Society Library in Lincoln, Nebraska or the LLCGS website.